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COVID-19: Cause of death and medications

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Review Article

Author Details : Aleksandr Urakov*, Natalia Urakova

Volume : 5, Issue : 2, Year : 2020

Article Page : 45-48

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It is shown that in patients with severe pneumonia with COVID-19, the lungs lose their airiness, as pus and mucus completely fill the lumen of their Airways. Gas exchange in the lungs stops. This is the cause of hypoxia and death of patients with a new coronavirus disease. Since it is not yet possible to quickly restore the airiness of the lungs of patients with severe acute respiratory distress (SARS), many die if extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is not used. It is shown that this procedure is very complex and expensive, so it is not available to everyone. In addition, ECMO may not always be applied in a timely manner. As an alternative to ECMO, an easy, cheap and publicly available method of extrapulmonary oxygenation is offered using a solution of hydrogen peroxide, which can be administered internally as a beverage carbonated with oxygen, and in the form of injections in the ”right place”. In the review of the listed patents invented drugs and their formulations. The role of all ingredients is described in detail.

Keywords: Coronavirus, SARSCoV2, COVID19, Obstructive bronchitis, Hypoxia oxygen, Hydrogen peroxide, Blood oxygenation.

How to cite : Urakov A, Urakova N, COVID-19: Cause of death and medications. IP Int J Compr Adv Pharmacol 2020;5(2):45-48

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